Prices and methods of payment
The prices are provided in EUR, CHF, USD, GBP, CAN, NKR, SEK, CZK, PLN.
The prices include VAT(Value added Taxes ) only with delivery in EU countries. (outside EU -0% VAT)
The Customer may choose the following payment methods:
electronic payment PayPal
in this case the Order’s processing shall commence after the Seller sends a confirmation of acceptance of the Order to the Customer and after the Seller receives information from the system of the payment processing agent that the Customer has made the payment, and the Goods shall be dispatched immediately after the Order is completed).
Online payments are processed by PayPal, ( PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. & Cie, S.C.A., 5. Etage, 22-24 Boulevard Royal, 2449 Luxembourg ).
Credit or debit card (eService)
- in this case the Order’s processing shall commence after the Seller sends a confirmation of acceptance of the Order to the Customer and after the Seller receives information from the system of the payment processing agent that the Customer has made the payment, and the Goods shall be dispatched immediately after the Order is completed.
- Online payments are processed by eService ul. Jana Olbrachta 94 01-102 Warszawa.
bank transfer to the Seller’s bank account (in this case the Order’s processing shall commence after the Seller sends a confirmation of acceptance of the Order to the Customer, and the Goods shall be dispatched immediately after the funds are credited on the Seller’s bank account and after the Order is completed);
PLN: PL21 8792 0008 0000 0018 7307 0007
BS Czarny Dunajec, SWIFT: POLUPLPR
EUR: PL36 1240 5136 1978 0000 5216 3542
USD: PL56 1240 1574 1787 0010 8717 0855
CZK: PL95 1240 1574 1213 0011 0491 5515
CHF: PL97 1240 1574 1797 0011 0491 5573
NOK: PL47 1240 1574 1796 0011 0494 8630
GBP: PL81 1240 1574 1789 0011 0491 5485
SEK: PL70 1240 1574 1798 0011 0494 8698
When making a payment, the Customer will be informed immediately before making the payment about the amount in which the payment should be made, about the possible methods of its execution and about the data of the payment provider, if the given service is possible. Detailed terms and conditions for making payments through the operators performing electronic payments are available on the website of the given operator.
When making a payment via an electronic payment operator, the User should follow the instructions given by the operator of electronic payments in order to make a payment.
The customer agrees that the purchase documents (VAT invoice / receipt) for the order will be sent electronically.